Sunday, November 26, 2023

From Cringe to Confidence: My Journey of Blogging Growth

After quite some time, I finally revisited my long-neglected blog. As I scrolled through my old posts, I couldn't help but burst into laughter. It's almost embarrassing to see how I used to express my thoughts; I half-wanted to bury myself in a hole to hide from my former writing style! But, as I reflect, there's also a profound sense of pride in realizing how far I've come. It's a journey of growth and improvement, and I'm truly grateful for the progress I've made. It's a reminder that we all start somewhere, and every step, no matter how small, is a step forward.

From Cringe to Confidence: My Journey of Blogging Growth

After quite some time, I finally revisited my long-neglected blog. As I scrolled through my old posts, I couldn't help but burst into la...